Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Well the morning started with Chester crowing his head off as usual and I don't blame him as it felt like a Spring morning with temps in the 50's and eventually climbed to the middle 70's, just a gorgeous day. After Chester's wake up it was much the usual afterwards; my few quiet moments, then a bowl of cereal with strawberries and a banana before jumping on the old bike for a ride to the rec for a couple hours of pickle ball. We had a large crowd with three courts going for most of the morning as I worked up a good sweat. It felt good to be back on the court especially after all these family meals.

After the rec I stopped off at the library and picked up a couple new reads as I finished THE GRAPES OF WRATH. I understand why Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel prize for literature for this write. He put you right there and the ending blew me away. Its definitely a must read in your life time I may even read it again as it will become one of my favorite reads, much like LONESOME DOVE by McMurtry.

I harvested a beautiful head of cabbage for cabbage rolls for supper. We were having GG, Eric and Amy's family for supper and Betsy and even Nelson one of Eric's friends stopped by and ate also. Nancy spent a couple hours putting this special together and believe me it was special when eaten along with smashed potato's and the red sauce spooned over the top and a fresh garden salad with crusty bread on the side. Amy made an Angel food cake with goop and strawberries for dessert, yikes was that ever a dewisheous supper. There goes the spare tire again as we sat around for an hour before finally setting down to eat at 7 while sipping a little vino.

Well not much else is going except GG seems to be doing well and has mentioned some things she wants to do. She now is getting some of Pap's papers and their accounts in order with Eric's assistance while he is here. We were glad to hear that Cris and Daryl made it safely back to Pennsylvania and we sure enjoyed their visit only wish it could have been for different reasons. LATER

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