Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well it was brr this morning with temps in the 40's but quickly warmed to the low 70's by lunch time and we went from the heat on to the windows and doors open. That's Florida winter weather. We slept in until nearly 7:30 despite big beak, Chester next door. Nancy was feeling the effects of giving blood on Sunday as she usually does after that event but as for me luckily its never a bother. We did our quiet times then I had grits and poached eggs whereas she had her usual bowl of oatmeal with fresh strawberries. Yeow the Plant City strawberries are in the markets and are they ever dewisheous.

After the breakfast clean up I ventured out to hand water the gardens. Amy and the kiddos were coming for lunch so I picked lettuces, kale and beet greens and cleaned them for a nice salad. The pesky squirrels continue to dig and help themselves to my garden plants but as long as I'm outside they stay away. I managed to stay out in the yards for most of the afternoon as Sam and Ava wanted to play outside with me after lunch. They have a fun time playing with Chester, finding buggies and playing in the dirt. We played hide and seek which Ava just loves to do, so while we were in the yard the pesky critters stayed away. Actually they came back just before dark and I scared them out of the trees with a few BB shots.

Nancy and I took off after the kids left for their naps to run a few errands; we went to her folks place to check on it and take down some curtains that need dry cleaning then stopped off at the grocery and the veggie stand for some tomatoes. Amy had brought over some cabbage plants in small containers as well as some tomato seedling that Tyler was going to plant in his garden but now they are moving in February to a new house they let me plant them in my garden as I now have some room. Speaking of cabbage we are now eating mine and the size of the heads are staggered so I don't have to eat or give away them all at one time. I did give my neighbor Jim one and he was amazed I grew that head in my yard. The heads are beautiful and probably weighed 5 pounds or greater.

Nancy made a pot of Zuppa soup for super and we puts lots of our home grown kale in it and was that ever dewisheous. That is such an easy soup to make and so tasty. Well we watched a little FOX NEWS and then I tuned into the debates at 9 and watched the whole thing until 11. I once again conjured up some changes about who I thought would be best to lead our country out of this mess we are in and still keep the USA safe; and there is definitely one I would not want to be in the white house. Its still up in the air who I will support but I observed some real keys that were there I had not observed before.

Nancy's dad is still hanging in there in a semi-conscious state. Diane said he seemed at peace in his condition while he continues to breathe on his own but makes no signs or responses. It has become almost that the prayers for his recovery are keeping him alive and maybe we just need to pray that he will pass away in his sleep and let GOD'S will be done. Those were Nancy's thoughts as well as many others in the family and we are excited knowing he will be reunited again some day with his family. Just an update on the newest great grandchild; John Sebastian is still in the hospital but progress is coming with regard to his lungs. LATER

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