Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Well it was another busy day with really nice morning temp's around 60 then as the day wore on it began cooling off especially with the wind chill. The wind blew hard out of the north as that front passed through our area. I eventually put on long pants but it was really nice that the humidity had abated. I did move my recently transplanted sweet basil into my shed for the night as it does not like cool or cold temps.

After our 5'ish wake up call by Chester(rooster) we did our quiet times and had our bowls of oatmeal then Nancy spent the rest of the morning on the phone to Michigan. Her dad was taken to the hospital again on Sunday and wasn't doing well at all. Eric(brother) had a priest come in and speak with her dad giving him "last rites" and praying with him and her dad did pray to receive CHRIST as his personal saviour. Seems he finally realized the seriousness of his condition as his heart and kidney were almost at the non functioning stage. Well he has made some remarkable overnight gains and we can only attribute that to all of you who have lifted him up in prayer because his kidneys started working again as well as his heart function. They(hospital staff) got him up out of bed and he stood with their help for a brief period, unbelievable. We thought surely Sunday was the end of the road for him and now with his acceptance of CHRIST maybe that will help lead Nancy's mom to accepting CHRIST as well. Only time will time as grand daughter Arianne told her grand father Sunday that heaven would not be the same without him. She stayed with him most of Sunday night as she thought to that he was near the end.

Well that was great news regarding her dad and lifted our spirits for the day especially Nancy as she has constantly reminded her dad about the choices he needed to make. She spoke with him briefly and her mom and he actually ate some lunch and supper, so that's a plus. I spent the rest of the afternoon watching some really great college bowl games off and on. We managed to get in a good 45 minute walk through the hood in between visiting with our neighbor, Carol Heckman. Her daughter and her husband are visiting for a couple weeks from Coldwater, Michigan and we try to get together with them and play some games at least once when they are here. I will probably help him do some repairs to her house as he is quite handy and she needs a new roof over her back entrance way.

Well we snacked on left overs for supper as I finished the black-eyed pea soup YUMM was that ever dewisheous. I read and watched a little more football right up to the time it was to sign off for the night. The wind was howling outside and I don't believe it got as cold as they predicted as the temp this morning showed 53 for Seminole on the Internet. LATER

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