Saturday, January 28, 2012


We had a nice rain during the early morning hours but let up enough so I could ride my bike to the rec for my workout on the pickle ball court. I didn't hear from Chester until later as the rain must have kept him subdued; anyhow after my quiet time and a bowl of cereal with lots of fresh strawberries and a banana I headed out. We had a good group of players and there were lots of wet t-shirts by 10 AM. We did a little warm up for the upcoming tournament in Feb. with our pardners in the mixed doubles play. Mitsuko and I will try once again to play together as last year she had to cancel at the last moment and go back to Japan for her aged mother.

After the rec I stopped off and picked up THE GRAPES OF WRATH to supplement me over the weekend as I've just about finished Sparks latest book. I've been wanting to read Steinbeck especially this one again after many years. It was pretty wet outside so I didn't have to hand water the garden so I took off on the bike for the barber shop which isn't too far away. After getting the ears lowered I headed back to wait for Amy and the kiddos to arrive for lunch.

Well I cleaned out some leftovers; a little bit of meat loaf on a sandwich and a taste of homemade soup. Yikes was that ever good eatin'. Sam and I read books together and played trucks until it was time for them to head out for their and mine's afternoon naps. I laid down and took a 10 minute power nap then read until Nancy got back from the rec and her workout on the treadmill. We then got things together to head over to GG's for supper and an evening of chit chat, eatin' and chicken foot domino's.

Cris(Nancy's first cousin) made her famous Cincinnati chili and I brought lots of fresh lettuce from the garden for a nice garden salad plus lots of crusty bread. Needless to say before it was time to eat we sat around and chatted and sipped a little vino and we set GG up for a new install of her phone system as it rained and her Verizon land line went on the blink. She has the same trouble as we did and we don't need for her to be without a phone now that she will be there alone. The chili was scrumptious as its much like a modified spaghetti and we licked the pot clean. The GAB(great aunt Betsy) and Braden came late and brought a couple lemon pies from the Village Inn, yikes were they ever tasty.

The game began of double 12 chicken foot domino's around 7:30 and ended with Cris winning in the final round at 11 PM. Wow did we ever cut up and banner one another and had a great time of fellowship. Amy and the kids left around 8 as it was their bedtime so she missed out on all the fun. Tyler had to work late so he also missed out on the fun but the evening was a success as we ate and played together. Tomorrow we are getting together for lunch at a beach side restaurant for seafood as Daryl,GG, Eric and Cris have tickets to see and listen to GG's old group of singers perform in a concert later in the evening. That will be a good time for her as she will get to see her gang perform. Cris and Daryl fly out on Sunday morning back to Pennsylvania but Eric will stay on another week to out GG get settled into her new lifestyle. There will be some major changes for all of us but she seems to be handling it quite well at this point. LATER

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