Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well it was a spring like morning with a cool crispness in the air. Eventually by early afternoon we had a nice rain giving everything a drink which caused the temps to drop a little. The morning was much the usual with a 5'ish wake up from big beak Chester from next door. He and Sam today were so funny together as he loves for Sam to grab his feathers and hold on. He giggles and of course Nancy and Amy think he is hurting the rooster but Chester comes right back to the fence for more of Sam's attentions. So funny.

After my quiet time and the bowl of oatmeal laden with fruit I pedalled out for my morning 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball at the rec. We had a good crowd once again and the play was fast and furious. We are starting to tune up for the Good Life Games in March which will feature a tournament at out gym with players from all around the state. Should be fun. After the rec I dropped off a couple books at the library before pedalling home to water the gardens. Nancy was watching Sam as Amy took Ava to the dentist for her checkup. Sam and I played outside and he is definitely all boy as he loves the dirt, bugs and of course Chester the rooster. He now likes to pull flower pedals and heads as Ava use to as well as a few of my pea pods. We have a grand time in the back yard and after he leaves I have empty plant pots, rocks, etc all over the yard. They went to Tampa to have lunch with Tyler so it was each man for himself for lunch, so I finished the little bit of stir fry and a nice garden salad.

Well we had house church and the attendance was low with only 6 adults as many were sick so we were glad they stayed away as we just got over the crud ourselves a few weeks ago. We are doing a discussion on Beautiful Outlaw a John Eldridge book and it really opens up some interesting ideas about the personality of Jesus. Nancy made oatmeal cookies and I had to restrain myself to eat only one when they came out of the oven. I fixed fried cabbage again for supper minus the bacon and we had a baked sweet potato; once again we are trying to limit out intake of fat and sugars. Speaking of fats and sugars I read wear Paula Deen has diabetes and she is overweight and smokes. Wow all that good eatin' or fixin's has sure changed her life and now she is promoting a drug for type II diabetics, Yikes I wonder about her life style and endorsements.Oh well!!!

Nancy's dad's health hasn't changed and I was wondering how he could maintain life at all after so many days of no nutrition or water. I'm wondering if he isn't hanging on so GG(Nancy's mom) will make a faith commitment as he did upon his death bed. Only GOD knows but that could be a reason for his lingering as he wants her to also join him in Heaven after she passes. Just a thought!!! LATER

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