Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Brrr in the morning but by afternoon it was nearly 80 in some areas of the county. We had our doors and windows open and it was pleasant to set out under the big oak in the back yard while the kiddos played. The morning was much the usual with the 5'ish wake up by big beak Chester next door, then my quiet time and a bowl of cereal with fruit before riding out to the rec for some 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball. Wow what a workout as we had 2 courts going most of the morning with some really good play. I sure can tell a difference when we have 3 days off in a row from my workout.

After pickle ball I stopped off at the library on the way home for a couple reads then headed home to hand water the garden. Almost all of the bush bean seeds sprouted and what the squirrels didn't destroy of the new lettuce seedlings. Those varmints are sure a pain in the you know what; but I caught 2 today in my peanut butter baited steel cage trap. The only problem is I have to drive them over behind the library to set them free. Maybe this will at least move their population back to the woods and away from my garden. I don't know if their territorial or not but maybe I will catch the breeders and give my yard and garden a break until the next batch is born. I can see squirrel nests in every tree in our hood so this maybe a lost cause. Oh well!!!

Amy and the kiddos came for lunch so we had left over Zuppa and a fresh garden salad. Wow was that ever good. I need to start watching my portions again as I can feel and see the spare tire inflating around the middle despite my workouts. Oh but I do love to eat especially good food. For supper I picked fresh broccoli, sugar peas, cabbage and green scallions from the garden then added fresh mushrooms and canned bamboo shoots to make a stir fry which we put over Jasmine rice, Yeow was that ever dewisheous with a little soy sauce. I stuck with only one helping and have a little left for lunch tomorrow. After eating I headed to the library to release another squirrel that I caught just before dark. I really wanted to do this one in but the better part of me and Nancy insisted that it be released; so I did.

There is no change in her dad's condition as he is in a coma like state. Hospice continues to tell us it will be the end shortly as the metabolic function of his body is barely working. This is really taking its toll on GG as she sets by his bed during the day trying to stimulate some response from him. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Well not much else is going on on, LATER

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