Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Well it was another gorgeous day with cool crisp morning to start the day and by afternoon we were pushing 80 with bright blue skies and lots of sunshine. I did the usual with Chester waking we up with his crowing around 5 then my quiet time before a bowl of oatmeal with lots of fruit before riding out to the rec for a couple hours of pickle ball. Afterwards I stopped off at the library for what seems to be an excellent read so far titled THE END TO NORMAL by Stephanie Madoff Mack. She is the young widow of Mark Madoff who was the oldest son of Bernie Madoff the big ponzi scheme founder. Anyhow its really an interesting story so far.

After getting home from the library we ran errands to buy food for the upcoming meals related to her dad's funeral and for lots of out of town guest and family. There were trips to Sam's Club, Aldi's and Publix plus the vegetable stand. We got back to have lunch with Amy and the kiddos and then played with them until it was time for their naps and mine(but I never got one). Instead I had to replace a fan in the spare bedroom, fix a leaky sink in the kitchen and wash dishes and pans as Nancy began preparing food for Tuesday. She made a couple meat loafs that could be used for sandwiches as well as our supper, also baked a couple nut breads and chocolate chip cookies. After that clean up I read and watered the gardens until supper. I picked broccoli and sugar peas to go along with our parsley red potato's and meat loaf. Yumm!!

Just about bedtime Nancy began complaining of her stomach causing her some pain and discomfort. We both were at the nursing home on Sunday after church and she worked in the nursery where a couple babies has some diarrhea and she thought well she contracted a bug; and sure enough she did as she was up most all of the early morning hours. I won't go into detail but it wasn't pretty and as I write this she is still in a lot of discomfort so much so we don't want to contaminate her mom, brother Eric and his wife Diane and niece Arianne when they arrive today from Detroit. I'm hoping I will be able to pick them up but this bug she has is very volatile and gives you no warning and I don't want to be on the interstate when it strikes. Oh well I will see how the gut feels as it gets closer to the time of going to the airport. LATER

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