Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Brrr it was a bit nippy here in the usually hot and humid coast of central Florida as it got down into the 40's last night. It was in the low 50's to start the day and gradually during the day the cold north wind caused the temps to stay around the middle 40's for most of the day until the sun went down, Oh well this is good for the mosquito control. The morning was so blustery with gusting winds of 15-25 mph so I drove to the rec instead of pedaling; beside I wanted to be home in time to watch Sam while Nancy and Amy ran to the store together. Ava was back in school so the girls had the morning free to shop.

After the usual wake up around 5 from Chester, I had my usual cup of hot green tea then a bowl of fruit salad after my quiet time before heading out for nearly 2 hours of workout on the pickle ball court. We had a good turnout with constant play even though we were missing several. A new player showed and he's a pretty good player but with an unusual name, Swan. He hails from Oregon.

Sam and I had a grand time together playing cars and trucks and he loves for me to read books and point out things to him as well as make all the noises for the animals we see in the books. He loves to climb up on my lap and look at pictures on the computer and he names the people he sees. He is such a sweet boy and loves his grand dad. The girls got home before lunch and we heated up the oven and had a frozen pizza. I headed out to water the garden after lunch as the wind had really dried things out.

We made a quick trip to Aldi's after the kids left for their naps to pick up a few goodies then Nancy headed to the rec for her workout. We could really tell the temps were dropping fast through out the afternoon and the forcast was for a heavy freeze north of the bay area and down into the 30's around us. I don't believe it was supposed to freeze in Pinellas County but come close; because we are surrounded by water which has a temperature in the 60's. I pulled out my box of old sheets and blankets and covered my tomato plants, peppers and herbs, hopefully they will survive and its supposed to be back in the high 50's on Wednesday and get progressively warmer by the weekend which is looking like the middle 70's again, ahhh!!!

Well Nancy's dad is hanging in there but we aren't sure for how long as his heart is now weakening due to all the fluid buildup. It seems the kidney medicine weakens the heart and vice versa so its a constant battle. He's is nearly immobile which doesn't help at all in moving the fluid back and out of his body, plus now he has reinjuried his knee somehow from a fall last week when he tried to stand by himself when no one was around. He is a bit trying at times and refuses to listen to those folks who have his best interests at heart; but that has always been his nature to certain extent. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts for him and Nancy's mom. She is just about worn out and of course seeing her husband is such weakening conditions is very disheartening.

We headed over to Amy and Tyler's for supper as she made her famous chicken green bean casserole, dewisheous it was and we watched some home movies from their visit in Kansas with Tyler's family over Christmas. The sledding movies were hilarious and it looked cold as well. Sam and Ava were so funny in the snow and sledding as well with a few wipe outs as they were towed behind grandpa Robb's truck. We headed home around 8 and headed for the hot showers. We actually put and extra blanket on the bed for the night. I watched some of the Michigan vs Va.Tech then turned the lights out at half time, LATER

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Super cold here, but only for about 36 hours and then the temps are going to start climbing again.

Tell Amy to e-mail me that chicken green bean casserole recipe. Sounds scrumptious.