Friday, April 30, 2010


Well the humidity is back and its starting to feel like Florida. After my quiet time and a boring bowl of oatmeal with a little cinnamon and honey I pedalled out to rec around 7:20 for pickle ball. There was a light rain shower with lots of clouds in the area. We had a total of 10 players today, but the first 45 minutes there was some really good play that resulted in lots of wet shirts. After PB I headed into the weight room for some crunches and heavy weights as Nancy did her workout on the (t)dreadmill. I stopped off at the library for a couple reads for over the week-end before heading home to water the gardens.

After a fresh salad for lunch Amy and Nancy took the grand babies and headed out to do some Mother's Day shopping at the mall. I just chilled with book and caught up on a little nap. I spoke with Paw Paw(my dad) and he informed me that Apple Blossom Festival was this week-end in Winchester so there will be 2 parades a night Fireman's tonight and a day parade tomorrow with all kinds of celebrities.

Well after the gang got back from the mall Nancy made chocolate chip cookies with of course Ava's help before they headed out for home. I cut some fresh kale and got it ready to saute with olive oil and garlic while Nancy put white rice on to cook. We had a slab of smoked ribs leftover from Wednesday night's supper so we just heated them in the microwave and were they ever great left over. Well not much else is going except we spoke with our "mountain mom" Helen and she filled us in on all that's happening up there weather wise; was it ever cold there on Wednesday but reached a high of 78 today. Enclosed are couple recent photos of Samuel and Ava taken this afternoon. Tomorrow we are planning on heading out to the beach and may take the Ross Family with us as well. Until LATER.

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