Sunday, April 11, 2010


Well the morning started out with overcast skies but eventually cleared off; but the temps stayed down around the low 80's for most of the day. After our quiet times and a lite breakfast we got ready to head out for worship at Element Church in Tampa where our son, Bobby is not only the pastor but the worship leader as well. Their praise band is just awesome and his message today on the first church in the book of Acts was right-on; do we really know Jesus by living our life as such or are we just saying we know Jesus and no one could tell the difference by our lifestyle and the way we treat others. We had a great time visiting with Annsley and of course her parents and grand parents on that side of the bay. Jill is really starting to show with Annsley's baby sibling, we should know soon what to expect.

After worship we stopped by the Subway and ate a quick lunch as we wanted to head by Sam's on the way home and pick up a new camera. After checking with lots of retailers none could beat their price on a Canon Sure Shot with 10x optical zone and 10 mega pixels. Our old camera and laptop which both still work are 7 years old and are slow so we are updating both camera and a new laptop. We are going with a new Dell with tons of hard drive, built in web cam, Windows 7, wireless and all kinds of bells and whistles. Both hopefully will help us to keep better in touch with the grand babies this summer.

Well I watched the Ray's have it handed to them again by the Yankee's this afternoon, wasn't as bad as yesterday but a loss is a loss. After a supper of leftover grilled chicken and salad I headed out to water the front yard and both gardens and pull a few weeds. The evening was just beautiful but I can feel the humidity starting to creep slowly back in so it won't be long before the a/c will be on full once again. Thankfully we will be heading to the cool mountains in about 7 weeks. Well that's about all for today, LATER

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