Sunday, April 18, 2010


What a great morning with cool temp's(60's) a nice breeze, a few high clouds and bright sunshine. We headed out to Redington Beach around 10:30 and the place was jumping with sun bathers, fishermen and swimmers. Yikes was it ever nice. After lathering up with some tanning lotion with a sun screen I took off for a stroll up the beach while Nancy sat in her chair. We later took a couple mile stroll together before I decided to take the "Nestea Plunge"into the beautiful water. There were just a few waves but the water was clear and really not to cold once you made a couple strokes. Wow it has been awhile since I swam and although I workout to some extent everyday I was beat last night from those few minutes of swimming. I can't wait to give it a longer swim next Saturday.

We headed home around 1 PM and had a lite lunch, peanut butter sandwiches with a banana on top, Yumm, try it!!! I worked in the garden transplanting some new seedlings and digging up other plants to take to Tyler's garden later in the evening. We watched Ava and Samuel last evening as they had a date night with dinner and a movie out. I picked up a pizza and made a salad so we just chilled with the grand babies. Ava and I spent some time swinging in their back yard as it was a beautiful evening. Samuel actually took a bottle for a change as he is rather spoiled when it comes to the method of delivery for his milk, he like the real thing; but he did real good in taking about 2 oz. that Amy had pumped for him. He is such a chunker and really starting to become aware of his surrounding plus he just loves his bath time. Afterwards he lays in his crib talking(making noises) and moving his arms and legs like he is making snow angels. We read books, rocked and watched a couple kid shows until it was bedtime.
I managed to catch the last of the suspended Ray's vs Red Sox game and we once again won in 13 innings and was leading 4-0 when I turned out the lights at 10:30. Go Ray's!!! I awakened to steady soft rain this morning so I backed the truck out of the garage and now I'm getting a wash job as I write. I almost washed it when we got back from the beach but I had a feeling it was going to rain and it did. My neighbor spent the entire afternoon shining his new truck up and of course it rained on it, oh well.

We are heading for Element this AM, today is our bring brunch Sunday to share and then to give back to the community a life giving product; our blood. This is bloody Sunday and our house church(which by the way started this tradition at Element) is wearing red shirts. Just a different way to show your love for your fellowman. Enclosed are a few pics from the beach Nancy took. If you look close that's me out there in the 70 degree water, last year I was swimming in January; so much for global warming. Oh by the way I just finished a non-fiction true crime book titled MAD NOTIONS. The setting is around Gatlinburg, Seiver County, Tennessee and its an unbelievable read. LATER.

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