Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Once again the weather for this day was awesome. We still have our windows open which is absolutely unheard of in April. The nights are down into the 60's and highs are in the low 80's. with just a slight breeze coming off the gulf. The morning started out the usual with a cup of hot green tea while I did my quiet time then a bowl of oatmeal with some strawberries and a banana before I headed out to the rec on my bike for some pickle ball. We had some fast and furious play with a small crowd which makes for continuous action and believe me there were lots of sweat soaked shirts. After 2 1/2 hours I ventured into the weight room and got a 100 crunches in before heading home. I then watered the dirt hill in the front yard before tackling the gardens while waiting for Amy and the grand kids to come for lunch.

After lunch I sat out in the back yard holding little Samuel while Amy headed off for a dental appointment. He just loves to be held and he makes the cutest sounds and faces as he sleeps. Amy had pumped him a bottle so Nancy fed him when he woke up; but he still likes the real thing and doesn't really eat all that well from the bottle. Ava played outside catching "slimy" worms and buggies for nearly an hour while I held Samuel. After the kids left I caught up on some computer work before settling down with an Ann Rule book called MORTAL DANGER for a couple hours.

Nancy fixed taco's for supper and where they ever tasty especially with the leftover salsa. After cleaning up after supper we both headed out to the yard and gardens. I transplanted some pak choy and did some weeding before I headed to the front yard and raked up all the brown fuzzes from the new leaf development. We both watered as well as clipped some of the shrubs that were growing out of control. It was just a perfect evening for some yard work.

Well today is the home opener for the Ray's Baseball Team and last time I looked they were losing 1-0 to the Orioles. How about that NCAA basketball final, yikes was that ever a good game and I must say I was glad Duke won only because they are N.C.team; but Butler did a fine job and easily could have been the winners. Check out the pics with Ava holding one of her little green "slimy" worms. Well I will get out of here for now, LATER.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Can't wait to dip into a bowl of Nanny-panny's fabulous salsa!

Does Jill know if her baby is a girl or boy yet?