Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well it was another beautiful morning and with the north breeze the humidity checked out for awhile. It's been many a year since we have had the windows open on the 27 th of April. After my quiet time and a boring bowl of oatmeal I pedalled out to the rec for some pickle ball. We had 11 players and lots of wet shirts after 2 1/2 hours of play. I headed for home afterwards because the weight room was closed for maintenance so will have to do double on the crunches tomorrow, Yikes!!

Amy and the kids came around 11 as she had a eye appointment so Nancy and I watched the kids, so Ava and myself headed out so she could ride her trike before lunch. After a sandwich for lunch we headed to the backyard so she could catch buggies while I held Samuel. He loves being outside. After the kids left around 2:30 Nancy took off to the rec and then to Publix while I took a little nap then vegetated under the big oak reading. We decided since tomorrow will be another smoked ribs dinner at house church we would go meatless tonight, so I pulled 1/2 dozen beets and cut the last of the broccoli. Those fresh veggie's along with a sweet potato, beet greens and a salad made for a wholesome and healthy supper. I'm smoking ribs and chicken legs for the dinner tomorrow, should be a good one. I also pulled some beets and lettuce for our neighbors as well as for Amy who is making a Caesar Salad for tomorrow night's supper. The lettuce is really coming in and this will probably be the last week for it here in Florida as the heat is starting to take its toll. The beans love this weather as well as do the cukes, peppers and 'maters.

Well I will get out of here as American Idol is on and the Ray's come on later as they are on the left coast(Calif.) played the Oakland A's. LATER

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