Saturday, April 10, 2010


Well it certainly was what we call a "North Carolina" morning after the early morning rain that left the air sparkling fresh and clean. The humidity was fast leaving with the gentle breeze and Nancy mentioned she was chilled. Women!! Anyhow after my quiet time and the boring bowl of oatmeal with a 'nana and a little cinnamon I pedalled out to the rec for some "are you ready for some pickle ball." What a dumb name to name a super sports activity. I know I've mentioned it before but PB is played like miniature tennis; only one uses paddles instead of a racket and a wiffle ball instead of a rubber tennis ball. It can be played inside or outside and if you play outside you use half of a regular tennis court. There are a few different rules but its a great activity for the whole family but its especially popular with seniors or baby boomers of which I'm one.

After 2 1/2 hours hours of PB I stopped by the weight room for a 100 crunches, sounds like that's something you eat, but that the reason I'm doing crunches its because I ate the whole thing many times over and now I have this fat gut, anyhow I only have 50 days to whip this waistline into shape before I have to carry this extra 10 pounds up the mountain on our daily hikes in the mountains. Wow am I ever getting antsy about heading up there and of course with all the beautiful Spring like weather there my "green thumb" is acting up. I have plowed my garden with the shovel at night in my dreams and mowed, weeded and planted. No wonder I'm tired when I awake in the mornings.

Amy and the grand babies came for lunch and after they left Nancy got in her work out at the rec on the (t)dreadmill and I finished up a true crime non-fiction case that occurred in New York in '02. We are heading over to GG and Pap's for supper to celebrate his birthday again with what he wanted to eat. We have a tradition that birthday people get to choose what they want for supper with the whole gang there or as many that can make it. Hey I just realized I'm missing out as we are in the mountains for my birthday. GG did a roast chicken with smashed 'taters and gravy, dried stuffing, green beans and Nancy made a garden salad from our patch and GG made her great chocolate cake with white icing which is to die for. I must admit I was strong again and walked or maybe waddled away from the table with out eating any of that "I know was delicious cake". Wow have I got will power today but if you look at my physique you would quickly recognize I haven't always had it.

We got interested in the Yankee's versus the Ray's baseball game after supper and what a game it turned out to be as we put it on the World Champions 9-3. Great Win!!! Go Ray's!! Well better get out of here as we are heading to the beach today for a vacation like day. LATER.

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