Monday, April 19, 2010


Well here it is again the start of a new week and the routine hasn't changed much for the morning. I started the day off with my usual cup of hot green tea, my quiet time and a bowl of boring oatmeal with some fresh strawberries for breakfast before riding out to the rec for some pickle ball on my bike. We had a large crowd of about 14 players today and our early play was hampered with a couple general players; eventually most of us worked up enough sweat to get a wet shirt, but it sure makes a difference in the veracity of play. After PB I headed to the weight room for my crunches and some overhead lifts before heading to the library and picking up a couple new reads.

We had so much rain yesterday I didn't have to water until this afternoon. I managed to transplant some seedlings into the garden as they are out growing their pots. These seedlings I'm planning on taking to the mountains for the planting of our gardens next month. Well at least that is the plan but we had a phone call today telling Nancy her Aunt Darrell(her mom's sister) isn't doing well after the doctors tried an angioplasty procedure and then her folks came by after her father Pap Pap went to the doctor today for chest pains. Right now everything is up in the air as to if and when we head to the mountains. Her dad just turned 86 years of age, so his age is not in his favor as well as he had open heart surgery about 20 years ago.

Anyhow it was a beautiful day with a north breeze blowing and low humidity. Amy and the grand kids came for lunch and stayed until after 2. Samuel just loves being held and of course we oblige him. I had him outside sitting under the big oak tree and the Nancy held him while Amy headed out to run a couple errands. Ava is so cute and she is constantly mothering him as well.

I managed to pick a gallon bucket of 1/2 runner beans and picked enough lettuce to give GG a big bag when they stopped by after their doctors appointment. I grilled a couple chicken breasts and Nancy sauteed yellow squash, green peppers, mushrooms, onions, garlic and leeks in olive oil with a little soy sauce, then spooned that over white rice. Yumm good eatin'!! Well the Ray's won again today in Boston so after that sweep they head to Chicago to play the White Sox's for a 3 game series. Well will sign off for now, LATER

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