Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well once again the temps in Florida have moderated to the usual warm and sunny we are accustom to. Not to many years ago I would swim in the back yard pool on Christmas and New Years day but with the "global warming" that has changed to the water hose being frozen shut the week of Christmas. What!!!After our quiet time we decided to try out our new egg poachers. Wow they worked perfectly and are easily stored as they are made of a soft material. You just turn them inside out and the egg plops out into your bowl or on a piece of toast and the grits with them made for a great breakfast to start the day.

I headed out to hand water the gardens and yard before we got ready to head to Sam's to pick up some goodies for the big dinner on New Years Day. We also made a stop at Publix as well. The rest of the day was just enjoying the warm sunshine as I opened the windows and doors and sat out in the back yard for a couple hours reading. Yeow what a splendid day!

Nancy had boiled off a fresh ham on Thursday and made ham salad so with the fresh bakery rolls we made a couple ham salad sandwiches for lunch, Yummm!! The rest of the day was just one of those where we decided earlier to walk the 'hood but when it came to it we just chilled her on Face book and me with a book until it was time to get ready to make one of my favorite dishes. Zuppa soup(Olive Garden potato soup)!!! I picked a bunch of fresh kale which is added near the end of its cooking. We took that to Dan and Carole house as we were celebrating the end of the year with them along with Amy, Tyler and the grand babies. Ava stayed awake and watched the ball falling in Times Square with Dick Clark. Boy did he sound bad and looked old. Anyhow we ate hamburgers, salsa and chips, concasio dip and Zuppa. What a combination. We finally digested enough that we could play 16 rounds of "oh well" and Tyler was the winner. By then it was close to midnight and we chilled listening to many neighbors putting off fireworks. Finally it was the New Year of 2011. Wow where did 2010 go??

I see where big oil or someone is getting us acclimated to 3 bucks a gallon for gas as everywhere its that or more as we filled up. Unbelievable!!! Well that was about it for Friday the last day of 2010. We hope all of you had a good year and even a better one coming up. We had a 2 great additions this past year with the birth of Samuel Tyler Ross on Nancy's birthday in March and then Gabriel Robert Triplett in September. We now have 2 of each and they will be mothered I'm sure by their older sisters Ava and Annsley. GOD has blessed us immeasurably and we are so thankful.

I certainly hope we haven't bored anyone with my ramblings about our everyday mundane life but we want our grand babies to know us and a little about us and what we did daily through this blog and the pictures we post. Most of us don't remember our grand parents and especially great- grand parents so this is a way for them to reflect back with their children some day of who and what we were to them when they were but just babies. It would be nice if we could hold their children someday. LATER

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