Monday, January 3, 2011


Well it was once again a cloudy overcast ,morning but the temp's were pleasant with just a little damp coolness in the air. By the late afternoon the sun came out and we had a mild 70 degrees and still no rain. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries and a banana I headed out to the rec on the bike for some pickle ball. We had a couple players we hadn't seen in a couple weeks and the play was fast with several wet shirts. By the time 10 AM rolled around I was ready to call it a day. I stopped off at the library before heading home to hand water the gardens.

Amy and the kids were coming at noon for lunch so we finished up some leftover Zuppa soup, hot dogs and ham salad. After lunch we played with Ava and Sam until it was time for them to head out for their afternoon naps. We headed over to show some folks Nancy's brothers rental house to a really nice couple who are interested in renting this gorgeous house intil the end of the school year as the previous renter left the middle of December.

We came back after showing the house and I picked 4 kinds of fresh lettuce, beet greens, dill and pulled some radishes for a salad from my garden we were taking to Amy's for supper. Amy makes this chicken casserole which is scrumptious with green beans and bread crumbs on top. Its really tasty and of course I had seconds which only adds to my spare tire. Yuck, I use to eat whatever and as much as I wanted and never gained an ounce; but not now.

Well not much else is going on, LATER.

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