Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well the morning started out with usual quiet time and a bowl of oatmeal with blueberry's and strawberry's before heading out to the rec on my bike for some pickle ball. The temp's weren't bad but there was a lot of low ground fog and dew. We had a small gang with only 10 players so the play was continuous for 2 plus hours.The day eventually warmed up to the 70's and it turned out to be one of those N.C. Spring days. The birds were singing and the air was so fresh and clean after the real early morning shower.

I have Spring fever so once again after pickle ball and a quick trip to Sam's Club I headed outside to work in the gardens. I spent the rest of the afternoon outside and even the grand babies came after lunch and spent some time in the warm sun. Nancy still has her head cold with a runny nose but seems to be getting better, slowly. I'm sucking down Vitamin C in hopes I can ward this bug away, so far so good. We headed out to house church at 6:30 with a big pot of chili and along with other kinds of chili and dogs we had a great gang for food, fellowship, singing praise songs and prayer. We had 15 adults and 5 youngun's.

Oh by the way grand son Samuel took his first step today so it won't be long til he's running. What a sweet smiley boy he is and with those blue eyes and blond hair he is a charmer. Ava is quite the second mom to him and she is such a sweetheart as well. Well not much else is going tomorrow(Thursday) we are heading over to GG and Pap's to do some yard work and to have lunch with them after pickle ball in the morning. LATER

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