Monday, January 24, 2011


Well the heat ran all night long but as the morning progressed the cold temp's went away and the bright sunshine brought warmth. I decided to sleep in because I was still somewhat clogged due to the head cold Nancy shared with me on Friday evening. She had gone to the doctor on Friday for a diagnosis but still the runny nose, clogged head and crud oozed from her body so we decided she would fill her prescription amoxicillin after breakfast and that I would stay home from the rec. I could feel myself getting somewhat better as the day went along and she took her first 1000mg dosage around lunch time. Anyhow after our quiet times, I finished the leftover pancakes from Saturday's breakfast before I headed out to check on the gardens.

Speaking of lunch Amy made my favorite Italian bean soup for supper on Friday and brought me a enough for a couple bowls when she came with Ava and Sam for lunch today. Yumm that is the best soup ever. The herbs I had stored in the shed last night due to the very cold temps seemed fine so I took them out and then took off all the sheets covering the tomato and pepper plants. Certainly hope this will be the end of near freezing temps for our area.

The temps suddenly began to rise and by 2 o'clock I had opened the windows and put on shorts and a T- shirts. We decided we should get some exercise so we did a 3-4 mile walk through the hood. It was just beautiful out. I came back to read a while before starting the grill for some marinated chicken breasts that we were putting on a bed of fresh garden salad for supper. Yikes was that ever good eatin'.

Well not much else exciting with us but on a sad note we had 2 local St.Pete police officers shot and killed this morning along with a U.S. Marshall as they tried to serve a warrant for man who had already been in prison once before. One officer left 3 children.Well better go as I'm planning on returning to the rec for a workout. LATER

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