Friday, January 21, 2011


Well I was awakened very early in the morning by heavy rain and thunder and then the crowing rooster, so around 6:15 I gave up and got up for the day. After my quiet time and a bowl of oatmeal with fresh strawberries and blueberries I pedalled out to the rec for some pickle ball. The clouds were just waiting to burst open again but the rain held off until about 9 AM when the clouds once again opened up and gave us another heavy deluge of rain. At 10 AM the rain stopped once again just in time for me to ride home without getting a soaking and seemed to hold for most of the day; around 4 PM the sun finally shown itself for just a few brief moments. The temps have dropped down into the 50's and once again we are expecting high 30's tonight. We had a good turnout today for pickle ball and there were lots of wet shirts so the workout was great.

Nancy had gone to see the doctor about her head cold and stopped up head. Not much could be done except for a prescription of antibiotics of which she didn't fill. The doctor thinks it's a virus and only gave the script in case she had some pain in her sinuses. I now have acquired this head cold so I just took it easy after the workout. We spoke with the folks back in cold Virginia and cold snowy N.C. Yikes, what a winter they are having once again.

Amy called about 4 PM and invited us to meet them at Telly's Restaurant in Seminole Mall for supper so we did. We use to take Bobby and Amy there when they were little and now we are taking our grand kids there. We had a super antipasto salad and mushroom pizzas. Ava and Sam were so cute. We walked around the mall after eating and the place was a ghost town except for Telly's. Well not much else is going on so we will just chill and try to recover from this head cold. LATER

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