Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday Morning

Well Tuesday turned out to be another warm humid day with lots of clouds around. I worked out in the garden after our quiet times and a lite breakfast and I was soaked with sweat. The warm humid conditions are ideal for the garden. I picked some romaine lettuce, dill, beet greens and basil for our salad for supper. That was the first of the lettuce I've picked and my oh my was it ever good.

After the garden work out I settled in to some reading while waiting for Nancy to get back from Clearwater where she had to take GG for a chest x-ray. It was close to 1 PM before she ever got back. Amy and Sam came around noon and we ate lunch together and then Sam and I headed out to the back yard where he did his "shooter fing". He likes to aggravate the rooster next door through the chain link fence with his rifle that makes a noise that Nancy bought for him a year or so ago. He tired of that after awhile and wanted to play cars in the house so we came in while Nancy and GG had lunch.

Amy dropped GG off at her house on her way to pick up Ava from school so Nancy and I took off on a couple mile hike through the hood. We stopped off at the post office for stamps for her Christmas cards, yikes that's getting expensive on the way back to the house. I felt good trying to keep up with Nancy's long strides and never tired. I did work up a good sweat though. I think I will try pickle ball this A.M. for an hour as I work myself back into shape. The coughing has just about completely gone, LATER

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