Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Morning

Well its 48 degrees here in Seminole this morning but the wind has stopped blowing and the sun is shining brightly; despite the cold temp's it's looking like it will be a nice day. Friday was blustery and chilly with winds at times very strong which made it feel even colder than it actually was. I think it was in the middle 50's yesterday to start the day.

I headed out to the rec after my quiet time and a bowl of oatmeal. I was bundled up and fighting the head wind most of the way there. That was a work out in itself. I managed to get in nearly 2 hours of pickle ball play and that was my fifth day in a row to play. I could feel the legs as they were a little sore last night after walking around the zoo for nearly 3 hours. There wasn't much to do in the garden when I got back from the rec, except give it a little drink as the wind was so strong it was breaking off my lettuces. So I just read until Amy brought Ava and Sam for lunch. We had a good time with them until they headed out. We were all getting together after supper and meeting up with Bob and his family plus Jill's mom and dad at the Lowery Park Zoo in Tampa.

That was my first adventure there and while many of the animal exhibits were closed as this was a special Christmas Light Exhibit we did see live reindeer, penguins, hippos, elephants, camels, zebras, giraffes, manatees, stingrays and of course all the fishes, snakes, turtles. The kids rode the merry- go- round and I rode the roller coaster with Ava, wow was that ever a good ride. The kids also jumped in the bump house and while we only saw a small portion of the zoo we were whipped by 9:30. It was cold down into the high 40's when we left; but at least the wind had quieted down considerably.

The kids were starting to get tired until Nancy purchased them all cupcakes then the sugar level once more invigorated them. That was a nice adventure and the zoo was very clean and well maintained. We got both Bobby and Amy family passes a couple years ago for Christmas and they each used them a bunch. We got back to Seminole a little after 10 PM so we had a busy evening as the drive takes about 30-45 minutes depending on traffic. Ava and Sam crashed on the way home as they were exhausted and so was I, LATER

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