Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well it sure was cool this A.M. When I rode out on the bike after my quiet time, my eye teared all the way to the Rec. Tomorrow its supposed to be in the high 70's. It finally warmed up nicely this afternoon but the air was still a little cool mainly because the air is so dry. That's really nice wish it would stay this way for awhile.

I'm still fighting this sore throat. The head has cleared with just a tickle in the chest but the sore throat won' go away. I gargled with warm salt water which helps but its still aggravating when you swallow. Nancy is off to a Bible study at a friends house and I will refrain from spreading my germs. She also seems better from her bout with this crud she gave me.

Ava and Amy came for dinner tonight as Tyler teaches ESL(English as a second language) at church on Tuesday's. Nancy fixed a meat loaf, sweet potatoes and fresh asparagus. Well we just heard from our son Bobby and he was saddened to hear his 4 year Weimerimmer "Rook"passed away this morning from renal failure down in the West Palm Beach area. They had given Rook away to a good home as he was just to much, active wise for them to handle when Annsley was just an infant.He had adjusted to his new home with 3 active kids who gave him lots of attention and activity when this illness occurred. We are all saddened by Rook's death. He was definitely a "one of a kind pup."

I played almost 2 hours of pickle ball this morning with 5 players and had some fantastic play. I just received my new paddle via UPS today as I have worn out 2 from the Rec. center so I thought maybe I should by my own. Well will close for now, great to hear the stock market made some gains today. I went with Nancy to church shop at Sam's Club today, you would never know there is a recession here in Florida from the activity that was going on in that palce.LATER


Jodi said...

Awww. Sad to hear about Rook. Our neighbor's 3 year old dobie died of cancer in December. Too young.

Upstate Pickleball Group said...

Hi Jerry,
Which paddle did you buy?
This is from Lynn and Ken in Greenville, SC. We're still planning to see you the first week of May and play pickleball.