Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well it was a little cool this morning but the day warmed up with bright sunshine and blue skies. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast of oatmeal and a 'nana I jumped on the 10 speed and headed to the Rec. for some much missed pickle ball. There were only 7 players but we had some great play and many were tired after 2 hours. I headed home afterwards because I knew I had to play badminton at 1 PM.

After heading home I watered the garden and putzed around until it was lunch time. Nancy was just getting home from church shopping when Ava and Amy pulled ready to have lunch. I wolfed down a couple of left over turkey burgers with mustard, pickles and lettuce while the girls ate ham sandwiches.

Badminton was super and I almost enjoy the game as much as pickle ball. I think the game is more strenuous and you use a ton of different muscles. After 1 1/2 hours I was exhausted as we played about 16 games to 15 points. We scored using the international rules which make the game a go little faster. Many thanks to Rena, Don and Omar for playing so hard.

I kind of sat around the rest of the afternoon reading until it was time to help Nancy get dinner ready. I picked fresh beet greens, spinach and kale for the salad. Nancy broiled a fresh salmon fillet with fresh dill and made her delicious garlic angel hair pasta. I picked 2 heads of broccoli from the garden. Wow this has to be in my top 10 favorite meals. Ava even ate some of the salmon but the pasta was definitely her favorite.

After dinner we got ready to head to our weekly Tuesday night Bible study. There were bout 18 people there and we studied Chapter 2 of James. Faith and works go hand in hand. We got home in time to see the last hour of Idol. What a good day and I want to say Happy Birthday to a dear friend tomorrow . Ms Helen Gray who is our adopted mountain mother will be 81 years young and believe me she is a great lady and a worker. Well will close for now.LATER

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