Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday started out with bright sunshine and warm temp's so after our morning quiet time and lite breakfast Nancy and I headed out to Redington Beach. We got there about 10 AM and for the 1 st hour the sun was very warm. Our neighbors and good friends Carol and Dan joined us as well. After about an hour we noticed the cloud bank that kept heading our way and with an on- shore breeze it wasn't long before the area was covered by a cloud/fog bank and the temp's dropped dramatically. So we made like horse manure and hit the trail.

We had a fresh salad for lunch then I hoofed(another horse analogy) it on the bike to the Rec. to get an hour's work out on the elliptical and heavy weights. By then the sun had re-emerged and it was shirt less weather so I worked on the tan by washing the truck. Nancy was putting a pot roast in the oven for dinner as we were entertaining our friends, Dan and Carol. I sat out in the back yard and read until it was time to get ready for our guests. Dinner was great with fried squash to go along with the roast, spuds, carrots and gravy. A pan of cornbread with homemade apple butter topped it off. Carol made a fresh fruit dessert with pudding and angel food cake. My first real helping of dessert since '08. It was yummy but I can take or leave dessert from now on. We had a hotly contested game of chicken foot domino's with Carol winning on the last round.

Sunday morning found us sleeping in until 7 'ish and then heading out at 9 to travel to Tampa for worship at Element Church. The worship was great and a young intern of Bobby's felt led to do something with the homeless so he went homeless in Portland, Oregon for 3 months. He spoke about his experiences, shared pictures and encouraged us to look at homeless people with a different attitude.

We got back to Seminole around 1 PM and finished up the leftovers from last night's dinner. I watered the garden and read most of the afternoon while waiting for the Daytona 500 to start. Amy and Ava came for dinner and brought a pizza while Nancy made a salad. They are spending the night as Tyler was called to the pan handle of Florida for his job this next week. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he will be away from his family. We will enjoy loving up on Ava this week; she is becoming so mature especially with sentences and level of retention.

Well I just finished another adventure/explorer book titled TOM CREAN. This book is about their survival in the Antarctica and the role he played in the Scott and Shackleton expeditions in the early 1900's. It is a page turner with actual excerpts from their diaries. Amazing what they had to go through while trapped on ice floes at 70 below zero and survived.

Well will close for now. LATER

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