Monday, February 9, 2009


Well was it ever nice this A.M. with bright sunshine, blue skies and temps in the high 40's. After my quiet time and lite breakfast I headed off to the Rec. on the bike for 2 plus hours of pickle ball then another 45 minutes of ; elliptical, heavy weights and sit ups. Yeow, I love those wet shirts. We had an ole' player back for pickle ball after being ham strung the past to weeks with an injury. Good see Jersey Jim is healing. We sure missed his good play and quick wit.

After the Rec. I stopped off and picked up a couple of books to keep me entertained in the afternoons after Amy and Av leave for her afternoon nap. Ava is such a cutie and we so look forward to seeing her and Amy daily. We shared our lunch(salad) with Carol as she down to help me figure out why I was unable to forward our registration confirmation to a Student Leadership Conference in Orlando the first week end in March. It seems we will attend that conference as youth volunteers for Element then spend the rest of the week end in the Orlando area for both Carol and Nancy's birthdays(they are a day apart and 1 year apart in age) the 2nd and 3rd of March. Maybe next year we will get Charleston or back to Savannah as we did last year.

I worked in the garden and picked neighbors Laurie and Jim some fresh mustard greens and some collards for our self for dinner. I did a couple chicken breasts on the grill speared through with fresh rosemary stems.That really gets a good flavor into the meat, along with the greens and rice made for an excellent evening meal. Tomorrow we will eat the leftover lasagna from Sunday's birthday dinner for Bobby.

After the GAB(great aunt Betsy) left Nancy and I settled down to watch the movie FIREPROOF. That has to be one of the best movies I'm seen in a long time. It a little bit of a slobber knocker or tear jerker but with a super message for marrieds and about to be marrieds. Well will close for now, LATER.

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