Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday and Super Bowl in Tampa

Wow it turned cold here on Saturday night and there was frost once again in some of the yards this morning. My yard was once again protected by the 2 oak trees. After our quiet time and a light breakfast we headed out to Tampa and Element Church to worship with Bobby. There was a nice crowd of about 150 folks and Bobby did an excellent job both with the music and his sermon.

We got back to Seminole a little after noon and had a fresh salad and some left over smoked chicken. We then got really to head out to Freedom Square Nursing pavilion to do our Sunday afternoon church service for the patients. We pushed about 10 wheelchairs and there were a couple on their motorized chairs. We sang 5 songs and had a short devotional and just loved up on those patients and gave them some attention.

I spent the rest of the afternoon finishing up the Band of Brothers HBO series. Wow was the real footage amazing as well as the stories those who survived had to tell. The 101 Airborne and Easy Company were a great bunch of young men who gave so much for this nation and to the defeat of Nazi Germany.

We headed over to Amy and Tyler with finger food for a super bowl party with Tyler's college ministry group. They were a neat bunch of young folks and we left at half time with Ava so she could get to bed near her bedtime. After her bath Nancy read a couple of stories and she was ready bed. She is such a sweet youngun. The second half of the game was exciting and the Cardinals nearly pulled it off with a great come from behind effort. I must congratulate the Steelers for their victory; although they had a few players who were less than professional. Any how I will miss football until next August. GO BUCS now that they have a new coach. Well will close for now. LATER

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