Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Well the morning started around 7 AM with a wake up as Bonnie(dog) wanted outside. Mike is an daily early riser and Bonnie is on his time schedule. Mike and Dee were leaving this AM to head back to Woodstock, Va as tomorrow is a work day for both of them. We had a grand visit and ate way too much with only 1 hike as the rainy weather kept us cabin bound. We did have some great fresh green beans, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes and garden salads which made up for the ham, beer in the rear hickory smoked chicken and T-bones. Yeow its fruit and lite eatin' the rest of the week.

They left around 10 to a light rain falling and so I high tailed it to the top of the mountain to check on the cage. One again no coon in the cage so I'm thinking he was a loner as the corn patch sustained no new damage. Just maybe with all this rain the new ears that are left will fill out and make for some good eatin'. After checking out the cage the rain let up enough for me to check out my tater patch. With all this rain and the wet ground I didn't want to let them stay in the ground and rot like a couple years ago. I dug about 5 pounds of each red spuds and white spuds. A couple of the white ones were baking size but the hills only had one  tater. I think I will move the patch to a different end of the garden and use more fertilizer next year.

Just as I finished the tater digging the skies opened up again and we were inundated with a steady down pour. We had nearly an inch last evening and the ground is wet down to about a foot. We decided since we had a large breakfast of buckwheat cakes, eggs and ham we would skip lunch and just have fruit. We took off for Sparta as our light over the stove burned Saturday afternoon and today was the first day the building supple store was open. It rained buckets in Sparta and all the way home. We decided to read until was time to start supper which was meatless for me as I picked 2 ears of corn from patch here by the cabin along with a fresh salad and parsley red taters. Nancy can't eat corn so she had some of the smoked chicken.

Well that's about it for the day as it sure is quiet around here with just the rain falling on the tin roof, LATER

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