Monday, September 17, 2012


Well we slept in once again after staying up reading until 1 AM last night. It was close to 7:30 before we awakened to fog and dew dripping from the roof. We were completely socked in with heavy fog. After our quiet times and a bowl of oatmeal I headed out to check on the gardens and eventually transplanted some potted plants. The fore cast was for rain starting after lunch and for rain the next 36 hours, so I thought it best to get these plants in the ground. We are supposed to have jacket weather after this front moves through on Wednesday.

Even though it was really foggy we decided to take a hike to the top. It was a good thing we did as the rain did become steady in the early afternoon and is still falling as I write this post. There are flash flood warnings for Allegheny County as we are supposed to get from 1-4 inches of rain. On our hike we saw a small bird with some yellow wings just sitting in the road on top. We never touched it and it just sat there like it was confused from all the fog; we nearly stepped on it. We went ahead and completed the hike then we came back on the golf cart with Nancy's camera as she wanted to photograph the bird. Well it was gone when we got back so she took off down the back trail wanting to take photos of some mushrooms and tree fungus. I drove on back to the cabin and on the way this beautiful red tail hawk flew directly in front of me then just a little ways further I saw another hawk sitting on the power line. I drove onto the cabin and picked Nancy up so she could photograph this hawk and sure enough it was still on the power line. She did managed a long distance shot before it took off.

I decided since it was such a foggy overcast day maybe the bass were biting so I dug a can of worms and we took off to Helen's to fish. We first visited with her for awhile taking her some fresh corn on the cob and green beans from my garden. It started to sprinkle just as we got to her place but we decided to see if the fish were biting anyway. I caught a nice bass and she a couple sun fish before the rain go to heavy so we headed over to Joe's for some bell peppers and a couple tomato's. IT really was raining pretty hard and steady by now and so we headed on home.

We spent the rest of the day in the cabin reading, on the computer and talking on the phone. I grilled a couple chicken breast for fajitas to go along with a fresh garden salad and beets for supper, LATER

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