Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The day started out with cold temp's and a strong north breeze. I actually was able to wear shorts but needed a long sleeve shirt on when outside, at least there was some sunshine. I headed out to the rec while it was still dark after my quiet time and a lite breakfast. We had 10 players for the morning and there was some great play. I got in nearly 3 hours of play and boy was I ever feeling it as I headed home facing a stiff north wind after dropping by the library for a couple books I had on hold.

I watered the garden while Nancy took off on her 45 minute walk through the 'hood and then harvested some great tasting lettuce, kale, beet greens and radishes for a fresh salad for lunch. Amy, Ava, and Samuel arrived for lunch so we each had a bowl of the last of the vegetable beef barley soup from Sunday's family dinner as well as a salad. Yikes, is that ever good 'eatin. After lunch the girls took off with Samuel to Target while Ava and I played outside with her riding her trike and playing with neighbor Carols dog, Sadie. We eventually tired of that and then headed in so she could play with the doll house while having her many snacks. The girls got back a little after 2 then headed home for Ava's nap time. Nancy and I headed out to Home Depot for flower and veggie seeds, fertilizer and grass plugs. Luckily they won't have any plugs until this Saturday.

Well we read the rest of the afternoon then we both worked on a gourmet dinner. Simple ingredients but one of the best I've ever eaten; marinated chicken breasts in Italian dressing and grilled with fresh Rosemary on top, I chopped fresh homegrown collard greens and then sauteed them in olive oil and fresh garlic, added just a little sea salt and ground pepper and a touch of hot sauce after cooking if you like, Nancy sauteed fresh garlic, onions, basil, fresh mushrooms in a ton of butter and then spread this over penne pasta. WOW is that ever good and the greens sound yucky, but they so compliment the pasta dish its unreal. This is real good eatin' and pretty too if that means anything on your plate. The taste is just fabulous.

Well not much else is a happening except its supposed to stay the cool the rest of the week. Actually this is perfect weather; windows closed, no heat or a/c on and no humidity. My garden is really starting to shape up with lots of tomato blooms and 2 broccoli's about ready to eat. The lettuce is superb and I'm now giving some away. Just want to say happy birthday to my middle sister, Pat who is a pastor in Milton, Pa. Well until LATER.

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