Sunday, March 14, 2010


Well I'm hacking and sneezing from all this pollen in the air, never knew it to bother me before but that's life as we grow older, I guess. Saturday was just what we refer to as a N.C. morning, delicious crispness in the air with bright sunshine and wow were the bird ever happy. I listened with such wonder as the air was filled with their chirping, singing and such activity. I think this is the mating period as we've noticed lots of birds carrying debris to the trees lately. Anyhow back to the start of the day after our lingering around in bed until nearly 8 AM. I knew we would lose and hour come Sunday morning so I thought why not take advantage of the no reason to just out of bed early, so we did. After our quiet time, Nancy mixed up a bunch of buckwheat cakes with a banana and blueberries in the batter, fried up some smoked bacon and then we added a couple cackleberies to the finalized version of what we refer to as our "mountain breakfast." That held us to nearly 2 PM, when we just had a lite snack and eventually 'til supper as we made it an all veggies; fresh beets, baked spud, Lima beans and I sauteed some mustard greens like I usually do with collards and Swiss chard. Well the greens weren't bad but not as good as the other 2 so I will stay with those other delicious greens. I like the fact you can fix those in about 10 minutes compared to cooking them for hours; if your interested Swiss chard is the best and all you need is a couple tablespoons of olive oil, a couple garlic cloves into the hot oil and stir in the chopped greens until they are rendered down to about 1/4 their size add salt and pepper to taste and a little hot sauce if you like.

Well I got carried away with that last paragraph; anyhow the rest of the morning after eating I worked outside in the yard raking leaves then reducing them to mulch by constantly mowing over them in a pile then adding the mulch to my garden. Makes it easier for the worms to breakdown for food and helps to keep moisture in the ground, as you know I must water at least once a day here as the soil is so sandy but fertile. I now have greens onions planted at one week ago about 2-3 inches up as well a new 1/2 runner beans up.

Nancy spent the morning getting ready for Jill's birthday dinner tonight (Sunday) and of course off to Publix again. I finished the outside gardening then read for a couple hours while she did her 'hood walk. Not much else is happening except for the loss of an hour of sleep but I beat that by going to bed an hour earlier than usual.

I will post a couple pics of Ava when he was firstborn and compare them to baby Samuel. They are nearly identical. The 2 pics of Ava at a few days old are the last 2 in the beige or yellow gown and of course the other 3 are of Samuel and Ava.LATER.

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