Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Sorry about not rambling last evening but it was a busy one with Dan and Carol for dinner and then Ava came to spend the night. Tuesday morning was another cold one for Florida in March. A couple years ago we had the a/c on the first week in March and no we have the heat on. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast of fruit I rode out to the rec. We had some fast and furious play with 4 of us for about 30 minutes and ended up with 14 for the day. I had a good workout and there were lots of wet shirts. I checked the scales in the weight room and just since Monday I had dropped 2 pounds. Now I need to drop about 8 more.

Nancy made meat loaf sandwiches for lunch so I just ate 1 instead of my usual 2;at least that was a start for me. Amy and Ava came for lunch as well. After lunch it was warm enough for Ava to ride her trike around the block so instead of lounging around reading I stayed on my feet; gotta burn them calories.

Amy is still a no go after getting back from the doctors but they did decide to induce her Wednesday morning her actual due date. After they left for her afternoon nap Nancy and I decided to walk the hood, got to burn more calories and we did about amile or so before it started to rain and with the cold wind blowing we headed home. I decided to work on my taxes with turbo tax on line and that's enough to cause you to burn calories with sweating. Looks like I will have to pay a substantial amount this year because of social security. Oh well I hate the part I have to pay a penalty because I didn't figure in an estimated tax liability for that income.

We, Dan, Carol and Nancy were supposed to go to the Salt Rock for dinner but had to cancell so we decided to have them for dinner. I grilled rib eye steaks, had oven 'taters, Carol brought broccoli and Nancy made a fresh salad. Today is Carol's birthday and tomorrow is Nancy's. They are 1 year and a day apart. We had a pleasant visit with them before Amy and Tyler brought Ava by for the evening. We watched American Idol and then got her ready for bed. Amy had to be at the hospital at 6 Am this morning(Wednesday) for baby Samuel birth. LATER

1 comment:

Jodi said...

So excited for your guys! Can't wait to hear about Samuel's arrival and see some pictures.