Monday, March 8, 2010


Spring has sprung, at least for a day or so. Wow it reached the middle 70's today but there was just a touch of coolness in the air out of the direct sun. All in all it was a magnificent afternoon. The morning started with scattered frost in the area and was a bit nippy as I rode out to the rec on the bike after my quiet time and a left over buckwheat cake with a banana on top for breakfast. We had some good play the first 45 minutes and eventually ended up with 10 players for the day with several coming and going through out the morning. Anyhow we had 2 1/2 hours of play and a few wet t-shirts. By the way since last Monday I've dropped 4 pounds, I love it; just staying away from desserts, 1 helping and limited bread use is really all it took. Just about 5 more pounds to go and then I can coast or really I just want to see my toes in the shower without bending over. Seems the older I get everything just drifts to the south and gathers around my belt buckle.

After the rec I picked up a couple Larry McMurtry books I had on hold at the library. His LONESOME DOVE is one of my all time favorite reads. When I got home Nancy wanted to run to Sam's to pick up a few items and to make some pics of our newest addition to the grand kids, Samuel, by the way he did much better with his sleeping last night so I think his parents have decided to keep him. Anyhow after Sam's Club the kids came by for a visit so Tyler and myself followed Ava around the block as she rode her trike then we went next door to feed the fish at Jim and Laurie's house as they are on a cruise. Ava loves to watch them eat, especially the Nemo fish. Well we played out in the back yard as Ava looked for buggie's and Samuel was held by his grandmother.

After the kids left we headed back to Sam's to exchange the sundress we bought for Ava for Easter as it was to short in length and to pick up the pics we forgot to get earlier, where is our brain. Warm weather does that to us plus we had a few frozen things in the buggy so our mind was on getting home, luckily we only live about 5 miles from the store. I headed out on the bike to the post office to get a gift in the mail to another young man who was born a couple days before Samuel. Man is it gonna be great when we get all these boys together to go fishing, play ball, camping or whatever we guys want to do.

Well Nancy took her walk while I was at post office and I got some Swiss chard ready to saute for supper. Man is that ever good when fixed with garlic, olive oil and just a touch of salt and pepper. Nancy fixed red spuds with the jackets on and I grilled us a pork chop with the bone in. There is something special about chops with the bone in for flavor and tenderness.

Well not much else is going on, LATER.

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