Friday, March 5, 2010


Wow, is it ever quiet around here after the past 3 days!!!. The morning started out with once again frost, can you believe that in Florida in March!!! Well after my early morning rise with Ava waking around 6 AM saying "grand dad my eyes don't want to sleep anymore." The day started out with my quiet time and fruit for breakfast after getting Ava situated. I headed out to the rec on the bike for 2 1/2 hours of pickle ball. Wow, once again we had a full house and our visitors from Colorado Springs came back for a second day of fast and furious play. They are very good players and we really enjoyed their caliber of play.

I stopped off at the library to pick up 3 books I had on hold before heading home to watch Ava while Nancy headed off to have a C-spine x-ray. Seems her neck has been cracking and popping as well as some muscle discomfort in the trapeze group of muscles. I have massaged and ultra sounded that area a couple times a day for weeks. I certainly hope we find out about what ever it is that's causing all this pain and discomfort.

Well after PB I watered the garden and took Ava on a trike ride round the hood and we had a good time. She is now able to maneuver across driveways and around cars parked in the driveways. We had a good time looking for bugs in the backyard before heading into the house out of the cold wind. About 11:45 Ava layed on my chest and fell asleep and continued sleeping until after 3 PM. She was just worn out with not being in her bed as well as all the excitement with a new brother and being a new big sister. She really missed her mommy and shed a few tears last night.

Well Nancy made a fine dinner of pot roast with spuds, carrots and parsnips. Well let me tell you that was good eatin along with a fresh garden salad. Parsnips is a new veggie I had never remembered eating before and by golly they are good. They are a little sweeter than a carrot but in the same family.

I just got off the phone with an old friend from N.C. and boy are they ever tired of this cold weather. Snow is still built up along the roadways and the temp hasn't been above freezing in weeks. This winter has certainly convinced us that we won't be making plans to spend the winter there for awhile.Well better go and get these latest pictures out. I want to than all of you who took a few moments to pray for Amy as she delivered this big baby. Your prayers were answered, she is doing great and finally back home. LATER

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