Thursday, March 11, 2010


Well the morning started out with Nancy coughing and hacking which had me awake earlier than usual. We both think its due to all the oak pollen in the air. I noticed a yellow film on all our neighbors vehicles this morning so we kept the windows closed today. Was it ever windy and overcast all day but at least it was in the low 70's and about 5 PM a light rain started. After my quiet time and a check of the Internet we decided to poach a couple eggs for breakfast. Since the gym was closed until next Monday there was no pickle ball today, but a couple of our group are heading down to St. Pete Beach and play in their gym on Friday morning. Nancy and I both took a Clarentin this morning as I seemed to have contracted some allergic reaction to the pollen as well. That little pill kept us from sneezing and coughing most of the day.

Well after lunch Ava and myself took a ride around the block on her trike. She loves to stop and pick the flowering weeds in people yard as well as pick up all the seed pots for me to carry. I try to lose them by the time we get back to my yard or have the wind blow them away. I climbed onto the roof and raked lots of dead limbs and sticks as well as tons of acorns and leaves off into the back yard. Ava played around the garden edge looking for buggies and that kept her busy for about an hour while I cleaned out the gutters, picked up sticks and raked leaves into a pile for mulching. Ava had a grand time jumping into the piles and rolling around in them as well.

The kids came for supper as Tyler has to teach at ESL one night a week so Nancy fixed things that Tyler isn't fond of like; salmon patties and asparagus. We had yellow rice as well of which Ava just loves. The rain continues as I write and this front is suppose to cool things off once again back down into the low 70's for a high and 50's for a low. The garden loves this kind of weather. The sugar peas are producing as well as the radishes along with the lettuce. The tomatoes are blooming as well as the green peppers and beans.

I was surprised to see in the Sparta, N.C. newspaper a neighbor on top of the mountain passed away last month. Susan was only 64. We often saw her and her lab's on walks along the back trails. We were surprised and saddened to hear of her passing. I was also sadden to see where Merlin Olsen passed away today at the age of 69, he was one of the most dominate defensive linemen for the old L.A. Rams I ever had the pleasure to watch play football. There are just too many 60 year old kickin' the bucket to suit me.

Well will go for now, LATER.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Just read the obit. Didn't even know she was ill.