Sunday, March 7, 2010


Once again the heat ran most of the night, however this morning there was lots of bright sunshine but the air was still cool in the shaded areas. We slept in until 7' ish before getting ready to head to Tampa for the gathering at Element to worship. Bobby did an awesome job with the story of the stoning(murder) of Stephen in the book of Acts and the praise music was inspiring. We had once again nearly 30 children in attendance. We took Ava with us today as Amy and Tyler tried to get a little sleep after being up most of the night with baby Samuel who has his days and nights reversed. Ava and Annsley were so cute together as they mingled with the crowd after the service, especially with Ava showing off her big sister photo of Samuel that was pinned to her dress.

We got back to Seminole around 12:45 dropped Ava off then we headed over to Subway and brought back subs for lunch. After lunch and holding Samuel for awhile we headed home. I lounged around and watch the Atlanta Nascar Race. What an ending!! I picked some fresh greens; lettuce, kale, beet greens for our salad as well as some radishes and sugar peas. I grilled a couple marinated chicken breasts to add to the salad. Wow was that ever a tasty meal. After supper Tyler and I took Ava to the park so she could play on the equipment until nearly dark. The temp's were falling fast by sundown, back down to the low 50's after a warm afternoon of the middle 70's. We hung around holding and loving up on sleepyhead baby Samuel until 8:30. He nursed a couple times and made some really cute little noises plus loaded his diaper a couple times. He is fun to change and he christen Amy and Nancy a couple times with his strong stream.This is quite a change from a little girl to a little boy. It will take the girls awhile to figure out how to minimize the shooting stream. Well not much else is happening. LATER

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Until Courtland, I had NO IDEA that a newborn baby could pee three feet straight up into the air. I had to keep a cloth diaper in one hand and shove it in the front of his diaper as I was opening it. Oddly, this wasn't really a problem with Gabriel. I guess Court was just inspired by that rush of fresh air.