Sunday, March 28, 2010


Well, what a gorgeous morning, a little breezy and a cool dampness in the air but lots of bright hot sunshine. I watered the garden after my quiet time and a breakfast of blueberries and a banana in oatmeal while waiting for it to warm up enough for the beach. Nancy and I headed out around 10:30 and we stayed until after 12 noon. Believe me that was enough time as the sun was hot but the breeze coming off the cold water made you too comfortable for a really big burn, plus we had to get ready to leave out at 3 PM for Riverview. The beach wasn't as packed as last week but still it was a beach day especially for all the northerners visiting the area from the frozen tundra north of the Mason Dixon Line.

We cooked up a frozen pizza for lunch then got ready to head out to watch Annsley as Bobby had a wedding to conduct at 5 PM. We had thawed out a rib roast that we purchased when they were on sale for 3.99 a pound so I cut that into steaks and we took 3 nice ones with us for dinner. Bobby picked up a couple sweet 'taters after the wedding and along with Nancy's fresh homegrown garden salad and Greek dressing we had a feast.

Annsley was so cute and she and Ava are so darn smart and just lovable, especially at this age. Her voice is so small its barely audible and you have to really pay attention to whats she saying. She and Nancy did bubbles, bowled and watered Bobby garden and flowers, of course she has her own watering can and wears her 'tink(tinkerbell) bathing suit while doing so. Along the way she likes for you to squirt her with the hose, accidentally. While waiting for dinner she and Nancy played toys in her room while she rode Blaze the horse we got her for Christmas. So cute!!!

The dinner was good even though we had to broil them in the oven, seems his grill needs some new grates, but the taste was good and done to perfection after he marinated them for a few minutes. That Annsley is a meat and salad eater. Well after Annsley's bath time we headed out for home a little before 9. The day seemed like we were on vacation and it was a great day for some bonding with Annsley as we usually only see her once a week at church or when we have family dinners. We are going over next Wednesday and watch her all day .

Wow was there ever some upsets in college basket ball, the Mountaineers won and a school called Butler upset Kansas. Yikes whats a happening as I saw white kids out jumping and shooting black kids, "wasn't there a movie white men can't jump?" Anyhow I have some black friends who will get a ribbing from me about B-ball.

Well better get ready to head out for worship as we are picking up Nancy's folks who are going with us to church as GG's sister, Aunt Darrell is in town with family and wants to worship with us as well, then it will be lunch out, afterwards. Have great day to all, LATER

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