Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday Morning

Well Tuesday was a busy day that started around 5:30 when the roosters next door began their marathon crow off. I learned also that another neighbor across the street has just recently purchased some chickens for his back yard and we heard their rooster as well during the afternoon. I love the sound of roosters but just not so early in the morning. Well after a cup of hot green tea, a few moments to reflect and a lite breakfast I pedalled out to the rec for some 2 plus hours of pickle ball. We had 8 players most of the morning so there was little time to rest in between games and the wet shirts were evident of the fast play and long rally's. I headed home to get ready for meeting with my dentist and friend Doc Beirl.

I cut him some lettuces, egg plant and some peppers then hand watered the gardens until it was time to head out. His office is just 5 minutes from the house. The garden is really starting to come to a head as the heat and dryness is drawing the plants towards it final days. Well the Doc worked on several front teeth on my lower jaw, restoring them and making my teeth look original as several were cracked, chipped and just plumb wore off. Wow what a difference to look at as well as such smoothness for my bite and my tongue. I think I'm in good shape for now for the summer as we are getting ready to make plans for the mountains. I have a hearing test next week at the VA as I have been experiencing some tinnitus in both of my ears and that is probably a result from flying in a jet while serving in the military for several years, oh well.

I headed out to Home Depot to get some new plastic fencing to hide my trash cans. The old fence I had installed of wood a couple years ago was looking trashy and falling apart. I worked the better part of the afternoon tearing out the old and installing the new and it seems I will need another section to finish the job. Wow it was hot out there as the truck thermometer read 93 degrees, luckily I was starting to get a little shade as the afternoon wore on and my shirt was drenched from sweat, yeow its more than time to head for the coolness of the mountains.

Well Amy and Sam came for lunch as then Amy had to pick GG up from her doctor's appointment so it was shuttle city at times. Nancy even had to slip in to the Doc as the one tooth is still bothering her that has the temp crown. She may need a root canal before the final crown is made and fitted, oh well. We ate leftovers from the Olive Garden and now they have a new promo that if you purchase a certain item on the menu you get an identical item to go at no extra charge. Well we ate smokey chicken pasta mozzarella along with a fresh salad from the garden for supper and it was awesome. That's a good deal and we have never had a bad meal at the Garden.

After supper it had cooled down to the high 80's so I headed over to our widow neighbor across the street and cleaned her roof for her with the leaf blower; I got in my good deed for the day. It was still rather hot and humid but her house has good shade; thus all of the debris on her roof. Nancy was hand watering the front yard giving the dried up grass a much needed drink. Well I watered the back gardens again then headed in as it was nearly 8 o'clock. The Rays were losing once again as well as did the Lightning. The Tampa Bay teams are in a downward spiral for some reason. After a shower I tuned into the FOX News and then perused the new season of the Deadliest Catch. That is one tough job and the Bering Sea is not a friendly place to fish especially during crab season, LATER

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