Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Morning

Sunday turned out to be another fantastic day weather wise. The temps stayed on the pleasant side with little or no humidity and lots of clouds which made for temps in the high 60's to start the morning and reached the low 80's by the afternoon. We started the usual with the fowl next door around 5:30 crowing but managed to linger for another hour. It was a cup of hot green tea for me while Nancy did her coffee then we both did our quiet times. We are trying to read through the whole Bible at a chapter a day and sometimes I have to catch up reading several chapters at a time. This morning was one of those morning when I had ample time. We were picking up Dan and Carol around 9 as it was our turn to drive to Element in Tampa.

After a lite breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries, banana and some cinnamon we got ready to head out. It was blood drive Sunday at Element so I headed for the bloodmobile and donated my pint then made it to hear the last worship song before Bobby spoke. He had another awesome message on the resurrection and wow if only we could leave our hangups, prejudices and really listen to what the gospel really is all about and that is love. No other god or god's emphasized that aspect for mankind but our GOD. Bobby baptized 4 folks in a watering trough; 3 adults and one child and yes it was a tear evoking occasion. We said our good-bye's to the grand babies and then headed for Seminole.

We already had plans to eat at Dan and Carol's for supper as our original plans for Saturday were changed due to Arianne and Eroll's visit. I chilled on the couch and watched the Ray's play good baseball with good hitting and pitching while sweeping the A's in a 3 game series. I think if they keep this up they will once again be contenders for their division. The Yankees come to town for a series starting tonight(Monday). We got a call in to our "mountain mom" Helen and learned it was cold in the mountains with heavy frost and temps down into the 20's in the morning, yikes. Well we headed to Dan and Carol's for a fried rice and a shrimp curry with pineapple sauce along with our fresh garden salad. It was delicious and then we played a game of Phase 20 and it was close between Nancy and Carol right up until the last hand and Nancy prevailed. I was dead last as I got stuck on phase 6 and was never in contention. Dan then put together a magnificent dessert of pound cake seared on the stove with an orange peel dressing, fresh strawberries and whipped cream, Yeow was that ever light and delicious. We headed out for the house on foot about 8 and it was still light out and was sort of sprinkling rain.

Well Nancy has her fast induced blood draw this morning at 9 to determine her cholesterol numbers and I'm back on the court until 10. Amy, Sam and probably GG will come for lunch and the chickens will be glad to see Sam as they haven't had any attention for a couple days. He loves to feed them clover and other lettuce tidbits from the garden and of course they all flock to the fence when he's around. They even flock to the fence when they see me in the back yard but I don't feed them like Sam does, LATER. Here are some pictures of the baptism yesterday at the Element warehouse in Tampa.

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