Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Morning

Well Saturday was a fun filled day that started much the usual with the feathered boys next door crowing before daylight. We managed to hang in there until 6:30 then it was roll out as we had an early morning occasion at Twill Auto in St.Pete. Our house church was offering free oil changes for single moms and wives of service personnel who were deployed overseas. Our first appointment was at 9 and we had 3 to show right a way. We did a total of 11 through out the morning and a couple of the ladies were interested in our house church and even interested in coming to Element Church in Tampa. We gave each of the ladies a 10 dollar gas card as well as free coffee and donuts. They were really impressed that we knew and cared about the hardships of being single moms.

After the service project we headed home for a lite lunch before I headed out to water the gardens and back yard. We had made plans to go out and eat supper at the Salt Rock Grill over on the beach. Well we made it there just in time as the place was nearly filled to capacity at 5 PM. We sat in the bar area and even that filled up quickly and the waiting line was huge when we left around 6. The food was tasty as usual and a little on the pricey side for the amount you received. I had a crab cake that was about the size of a small tomato, a baked potato and a half table spoon of a specialty corn. There was plenty of sourdough break thankfully with dipping oil and a very small salad, oh well this place is the busiest on the beach.

Well Nancy is amazed that I recognize or know someone no matter where we go and while eating  a white coated male in his early 30's approached me as asked me if I was Mr. Triplett. Well everyone was amazed he remembered me from Seminole First Baptist youth group. He and Bobby were in it together and I chaperoned them on a wilderness trip to the mountains of Tennessee when they were in middle school. He is now a cook at the restaurant.

We left there and decided to travel up the beaches all the way to Clearwater Beach. Well its unbelievable how that area has changed since when I first visited and fished that area around Sand Key. The traffic was horrendous with backups in both directions. We finally made it off of the beach road and onto the mainland where we then headed down to Belleair. The houses in that area take up whole city blocks with amazing views of the bay. Gigantic houses with 4 and 5 car garages that looked like hotels, yeow. Many had security fences that where more costly that what I earned in a lifetime. We stopped at a couple houses that were much older and for sale that had green houses larger than my house and with large second quarters for mothers in law.

After the ride it was time to head back to our pill boxes and the real world and beside what would we do with all of that bigness. I could truck farm some of the land within the yards and feed the neighborhood fresh veggies, Oh well just a thought. We settled in to the Rays game and they were finally winning one big when I shut the lights out around 11. They have lost the last 2 games while leading into the late innings. Today, Sunday is worship at Element in Tampa. It's table day where everyone brings dishes of goodies to share with everyone and then it clean the warehouse after eating plus it "ownies award  day". Element promotes ownership in the church and awards are given, many in jest to those who are standouts. It should be an awesome day of worship, family fellowship, food and fun, LATER

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