Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Morning

Well a cool front came through on Friday night  bringing some light rain during the overnight and much cooler temps, so much so we cut the a/c off and aired out the house and it pretty much stayed nice all day. After our early wake up by the fowls next door we did our quiet times and then had a hardly breakfast from the leftover taters, cackle berries(eggs) and I of course had the venison along with a fresh sliced garden tomato, yeow what good eatin' and it lasted me until supper time.

We took off on a major hike around the Walsingham Park for about an hour and a half and covered nearly 5 miles or so. It was such a beautiful day with the nice breeze from the north and no humidity. We saw people out an about in sweaters, long sleeves shirts and pants and Nancy even mentioned she was chilled at times in the shade; but it felt great to me after this past week of temps in the 90's. We came back and settled in to reading for me and social networking for Nancy.

Our niece came in from Miami in a whim to pickup her wedding dress which we had been storing for her. She and her fiancee Errol were spending the night at GG's so we picked up ground meat, taters and made a huge fresh salad and headed over around 4 to visit then cook supper on the grill and eventually played a game titled Battle of the Sexes. That meant gals vs guys and we men prevailed at the end by a slim margin and they had 5 gals to us 4 guys. It was a moment to remember as we all are competitive and love to play games. We had the Rays tuned in the background and they pulled out a squeaker with a 1-0 win over the A's. It was going on 10 when we finally broke up and headed for home.

Well today is the gathering at Element and there is a blood drive as well as a baptism. It should be an exciting day of worship, both with a message from son Bobby and music. Arianne and Errol leave to go back to Miami this morning and they will be getting married in just a little under a month when we next see them. That week end will be filled with seeing Nancy's brother and all or most of his kids(11) that we haven't seen in some time. Should be a fun filled weekend and reunion except for the fact it's in Miami. That place is a crime filled city as even they have been broken into several times as well as has their friends, oh well.

We already have plans for supper tonight with the Botbyl's as we had to cancel with Arianne's arrival on Saturday. Yeow another weekend of sumptuous gastronomic delight, LATER

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