Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday Morning

Well Monday turned out to be rather nice with cloud cover most of the day and even a sprinkle or two until late evening when we had a nice down pour. The temps were nice not real hot and with a breeze it was comfortable. The day started much the usual with the early morning crow off between the feathered boys next door. I had my usual cup of green tea then a few quiet moments to reflect and give thanks before a lite breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries, banana and cinnamon and then rode out to the rec for a couple hours of pickle ball on my bike.

We had a full house on the courts with 3 nets up and a few players waiting to get on. We had one player who hadn't been there in a year or so drop by and play for an hour or so. His game seemed to have improved while he was away; yet he is much younger than all of us old timers. We had a good work out as the wet shirts will attest to the vigorous activity. Afterwards I headed home to hand water the gardens, pick and cleaned lettuces then made a huge salad for lunch. Nancy had gone off to the lab to have a blood draw for her 6 months evaluation due to her cholesterol medicines. She was back having a breakfast and was getting ready to walk to the rec for her daily workout. Nancy is still having some pain with that back molar despite having a temp crown so now she is off to have a root canal on Thursday. It's a good thing she is having this procedure before the final crown goes on.

Amy brought GG and Sam for lunch and afterwards they all headed out to sit in the back yard  and watch Sam interact with the chickens; they are the best babysitters ever as he loves to feed them clover which seems to grow overnight in my garden to them through the fence. I was reading until it was time for me to head to the VA for my hearing test. Seems I'm having some tinnitus since having spent 7 years flying in jets during the service and now its coming back on me especially when I'm in quiet place. It's been waking me up during the middle of the night so it was time to put this to rest with some tests. Well its true after the tests that I'm showing definite hearing loss especially with the high pitch sounds so I'm having to go for further tests and evaluations. I'm not having trouble with normal conversations yet as the audiologist projected but eventually good lead to some substantial problems and of course the tinnitus is annoying, oh well.

We decided to fry some egg plant for supper and was it ever delicious. I garnished mine with thyme, cilantro, basil, dill, ground red pepper, salt and black pepper, yeow was that ever good eatin' and then we had a baked sweet potato with cinnamon butter. Yikes that was good the only problem with these egg plant are they are so small you have to slice them length wise to fry but they are sweet and tender. After the clean up I settled into the Rays vs the Yankees and it was a great game as the Rays beat them 5-1. Well that's about it for Monday, LATER

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