Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday Morning

Tuesday was another not much happening day except for Nancy as she had another tooth crowned, which meant she was in the dentist chair for a couple hours. Seems she had a molar tooth that was growing sideways due to an extraction as a child. The molar actually fell in sideways which was giving her all kinds of problems so the dentist had to straighten it somewhat and make a crown to fit the tooth. Dr Beirl (the dentist) called to check on her last evening and Nancy was doing fine. I'm back to see him in another week or so for some old filings( I have since the 60's) to be removed that is cracking my molars as well. He did a beautiful job on my last 2 crowns.

The morning started the usual with the roosters crowning at 5:30 on cue, we managed to stay in the sack until 6:30 then rolled out to start the day. After a few quiet moments, my cup of hot green tea and a lite breakfast I pedalled out to the rec for 2 plus hours of workout on the pickle ball court. We had exactly 8 players today so we had 2 courts going all the time and the wet shirts indicated the level of play. I headed by the library for a new read on the way home.

I spent the rest of the morning working in the gardens until it was lunch time where I had a beautiful fresh grown garden ripe tomato on the last of the rye bread. I sliced up a sweet onion and then slathered mayo on the bread to finish the creation, Yeow that has to be my favorite all time sandwich. Nancy was still at Dr.Beirl's office so I spent the next couple hours reading. I sent a bag of fresh lettuces, egg plants and collards with Nancy to the dentist's office and I was beginning to think they decided to have lunch together with the fresh goodies.

Amy and Sam came after lunch and spent an hour or so in the back yard with me as I sat and read under the big oak. Sam was in his glory as he pulled clover from the garden to feed his chicken buddies. I noticed yesterday as I got ready to leave for pickle ball the one hen that is a constant for escaping and flying over the fence and into my garden was unable to reach the top of the fence. The clipping of the wings did the trick so far. I had heard that all my life on the farm about keeping chickens from flying was to clip the feathers on their wings and now I know that works.

We decided to have sweet taters, fresh asparagus and fried Swaii( cat fish). I must say that is the best tasting fish ever, even better than Salmon to me. I of course slather horseradish on mine as well. We had planned to go over and help GG put her house back together but the carpet installers where still there going on 7 PM, so we decided after our workout's today(Wed) we would head over to assist with that job. Well that's about it as we are thrilled the mountains were in the 70's today and even warmer on Thursday. We are so looking forward to all of the outside work that needs to be done once we arrive in June. The snow has finally melted and the grass and flowers will begin to green up and bloom. The smell is just awesome there and the ambiance is breath taking as we are surrounded by all things that are natural. We are so looking forward to the views from the top of the mountain that gives us a look for 70 miles or further, LATER

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