Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday Morning

Well Monday was much the usual with a 5:30 wake up by the feathered fowl next door then a roll out at 6:30. After my quiet time and a lite breakfast I headed out to the rec for some 2 plus hours of pickle ball. There were lots of wet shirts so the work out was good. I stopped off at the library for a new read that was on hold for me before pedalling home to spend the rest of the morning working in the garden.

I tied up my loaded egg plants; there must be 30-40 egg plants on 1 bush and I have 3 bushes of them. These are the Japanese plants and thus the fruit is small and elongated but sweet and beautiful to look at. I grilled 4 last night for supper along with freshly dug red spuds from the garden as well sauteed Swiss chard also from the garden, yeow what healthy organic eating and delicious to boot. We had a fresh garden salad for lunch when Amy and Sam came and that was awesome as well, the only caveat was the fresh baked rye bread we had with the salad. I bought this bread Sunday in Tampa at the gourmet restaurant where we had lunch. Ahhh rye bread and real butter with Greek dressing on a fresh salad. I could eat that everyday for the rest of my life.

After lunch Sam and I sat outside in the back yard; I was reading and he was feeding the chickens next door clover and live bugs he found and the hens love both. Amy and Nancy went off and then Amy came back as Nancy had to drive GG to a doctor's appointment then helped her get ready as the new carpet is being installed today, Tuesday. After Amy and Sam left I checked for hotel reservations in the Miami area for the May wedding, yikes what these places want for 2 nights stay is unreal. I think we finally found a place outside of Miami proper that was reasonable and hopefully safe. That place is just one big crime waiting to happen. I'm not looking forward to the visit but we are excited about the wedding of Arianne.

Well I tuned into the NCAA game and it was close at half time and the Ray's were losing big to Texas so I cut the lights off and will check the Internet for the final score, LATER

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