Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Morning

Sunday started out much the usual way with the fowl wake up crow around 5:30. Nancy wanted to get up early anyways as she was making cinnamon rolls to take to church with us for the "table" occasion. It has become a tradition that we bring food to share with the church family, worship through music, and then recognize those whose show ownership to the hilt; even sometimes in jest with the "ownies" award as handmade "O's" on yard were handed out to be worn around the neck. The "table" was filled with awesome casseroles, fruit salads, meats, quiches, pastries, homemade desserts and store bought donuts etc. There was quite the assortment and very good as well.

After eating our fill and a few meaningful scriptures about our role in promoting our church family with community we then set about to restore the warehouse. We organized where clutter had moved in, touching up with paint where everyday use had caused blemishes, scrubbed and mopped floors, cleaned bathrooms, cleaned glass doors, cleaned children's toys and wherever there was area that needed attention. It was awesome as 8 or 9 teams were to address those areas that needed some beautification. We stayed until after 1 PM before heading out for home and there were still some teams finishing up in certain areas as well.

After getting home we chilled until it was time to start supper. Nancy was having GG for chicken picota over fettuccine and I was doing Swiss chard; both of these dishes require some addition prep work but the results are fantastic. I tuned into the Rays game and finally they managed a second win in a row in Chicago. After supper we sat out in the back yard as it was quite nice and just enough of a breeze to keep the bloody mosquitoes away. I hand watered everything including the front yard while Nancy drove GG home. It was nearly 8:30 when I decided to call it wet enough for a few days . We desperately need rain for the grasses.

We picked up grand daughter Annsley from Amy on Sunday morning and took her with us to church as she spent Saturday night with Ava. It was the first time she had spent the night at Ava's house alone. It was a great time for her, Ava and Sam as they went to the fun house that was part of Ava's turning 6 birthday party on Saturday night, then watched a movie while all 3 sacked out on the living room floor. What a super weekend for the kids and some good time together as they bond. Well that's about it for Sunday, LATER

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