Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Well the morning started around 7:30 and after our quiet times we fixed our own breakfasts; I heated a couple leftover buckwheat cakes in the micro and Nancy had the bowl of boring oatmeal. I know its good for you but I eat it almost daily in Florida but not here in the mountains unless there is nothing else. I headed out to check on the gardens until it was time to head to Sparta as Nancy had a 11AM doctors appointment to have a place near her eyebrow that had been frozen off early this year but showed up again. We walked around town for a few moments afterwards and spoke with one of the town's council women who was most pleasant and interested in our stay in the area. She was very cordial and we really enjoy spending a few moments with M.Wyatt.

We decided to skip eating out so we headed back to the cabin as tomorrow we will eat out in Galax as we have shopping to do there. We ate some leftover salsa and some delicious deer salami on crackers. That is an awesome meat and so good for you as well. After lunch I put on a pot of raw peanuts on the outside fire pit to boil as we both love boiled peanuts. I got the pot boiling then we took off for our mountain top hike. We saw John and Shirley on top at their place. They were re-painting their window shutters and mowing the yard and only planned on being here over night. After a short visit we headed on hoping to find some good news about our neighbor Joe Browning who has been in the hospital in Elkin. There was no one at home as we passed by. We did get a call later in the evening that Joe was home and somewhat better as his diagnosis was pneumonia. He is home resting and hopefully recovering completely.

I worked on keeping the pot of peanuts boiling most of the afternoon while I loaded up the golf cart with pelletized lime and the fertilizer spreader in between stoking the fire. I limed all the yards and really worked up a sweat doing so. Nancy was on the phone with Amy and her mother most of the afternoon. I picked a hand full of green beans, finally from the upper garden. We decided to finish up the left over King Ranch chicken and corn tortillas for supper and my oh my was it still yummy especially with a fresh cut up jalapeno pepper on top. I also sliced up a fresh cuke and tomato to take the place of a salad. After supper I stoked the fire in the pit then burned a weeks worth of trash excluding bottles and cans.

We then decided to take another hike after the clean-up so we we headed down to see how Grant and Shirley were doing on their deck they were putting on the woods side of their cabin. We stopped and visited momentarily with Russ and Linda as they just got in from Ohio before heading on down the road. Grant had another post set and anchored and had completed poring the footers for 3 more posts that will support the deck. He is really is doing a great job without any help except for Shirley.

Well we definitely got our extra exercise in today with me walking behind the spreader, a hike to the top and then another walk after supper down and back up our road, yikes that hill in our drive is a 13% grade. I almost forgot to mention the weather was fantastic today with temps not much over 70 for most of the day. There was a good breeze which kept Nancy in a long sleeve shirt for most of the day. LATER

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