Friday, August 10, 2012


Well the morning started around 7 again which I like better than sleeping in until 8 unless of course your up way late. After our quiet times I cooked up a couple eggs and a bowl of grits before heading out to check on the gardens. I now have another spaghetti squash which makes 2 large ones and two that are just forming. The cucumbers are still producing at the rate of 2-3 every other day and the corn continues to silk up but with only one ear per stalk. The cherry tomatoes which are starting to ripe but are yellow in color are really pretty tasty; I thought I planted red ones. The Celebrity tomatoes are starting to get some what large but still green somewhere about the size of a golf ball to a tennis ball.

After my check and to crush a few beetles I loaded up several 5 gallon buckets and several empty fertilizer sacks and headed over to our friends farm to collect horse manure. That took me a couple hours and boy was it ever hot and humid. On the way home I stopped by our neighbors who had a tree he was taking down near his cabin and it started to get away from him and his wife so we got a rope on it and we managed to land it safely along the edge of his deck. We cut away the branches and after battling a nest of yellow jackets in his roof we were able to saw it up and get it down and away from the cabin. Wow was that ever a hot job as well, along with the stress of the bees and the fear of it damaging their house.

I headed on home and was nearly spent from all the sweating so after a 'mater sandwich and something cold to drink I headed out to unload the truck. I spread a couple bags around the blueberry bushes as they like raw manure and then I worked the ground up as well. I then loaded the golf cart twice and hauled the rest down to my compost pile, yikes was it ever hot. I finally decided to go back down to the neighbors to see if I could lend a helping hand with the tree clean up but he had most of it sawed up and on a brush pile.

Nancy came back from town with neighbor Jodi so we headed out on our daily hike and then ran into our neighbors (who had the tree problem) on their golf cart riding the mountain. We chatted awhile before heading on across the top stopping and leaving some peppers at Jetta's. After our hike we settled in to rest and get ready for supper while watching the USA girl soccer team defeat Japan for the gold medal. I grilled deer steak burgers and we finished the leftover Cole slaw as well as a can of asparagus, yikes was that ever good. After the clean up Jodi, Gerald and Gabriel came up and we had a game of Phase 10 and then a raucous game of Spades which lasted almost 2 hours and the gals won convincingly. What a turn of events as we just wanted the game over. It was close to eleven when we finally finished and then we had showers to get.

I'm off to the doctors for my yearly physical(fasting involved) first thing in the morning so that means setting the alarm which I hate as I never can sleep when I do that and I didn't as I'm posting this on Friday morning, LATER    

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