Friday, August 17, 2012


Well I started the day around 7:30 with a cup of hot green tea as there was just a touch of Fall in the air and it pretty much stayed that way most of the day. After my quiet time I made one of my favorite breakfasts; pumpernickel bread toasted, slathered with mayo, dill pickle chips, a slice of raw sweet onion and a fried egg with the yoke broken and a slice of home grown tomato, yeow is that ever dewisheous(Annsley). I had 2 of them as the bread was rather small, umm!!!

 After eating I headed down to start the washer for Nancy then headed up onto the bump out(roof) to spray some bleach to kill the the mildew then I climbed up on the very top of the bump out to putty a couple of the more severe cracks in the fascia board. Nancy had a fit when she observed the different shades on the board at the very top of the roof but that was the easiest part of the bump out as I prepped it for painting next week. That took me an hour or so and with the sun shinning it got a little warm up there.

We got ready and took off on our hike of the day to the top of the mountain. The walk went pretty quickly as we saw no one on top of the mountain so we headed down to have a lite lunch. I finished the last of the watermelon and decided to stop with that as it was close to one o'clock when we got back from the hike. I knew we were having a scrumptious supper with Helen and Joe attending. Nancy had a pot of pintos cooking  and I worked up a head of cabbage with a green pepper and carrot in the mixture. These were going to accompany a mess of fresh frozen bass my buddy Caleb  and I caught last week. Yikes were they ever good when fried to a golden brown. Supper was excellent and we licked the platter clean. Nancy had leftover ginger snaps for dessert. I passed on the cookies but did get into the dark chocolate covered almonds we purchased a couple weeks ago at the Mast General Store a couple hours later. I destroyed nearly a small bag of them as I was bad.

Anyhow after Helen and Joe left around 7 P we walked around the yard and marveled at how great the yard and flower gardens looked. We noticed in the sky the white contrails of 2 jets that formed a perfect + overhead of the cabin. It seems there is constant contrails as New York to Atlanta route passes directly overhead but we had never seen an east to west contrail before as it passed overhead an intersected the north to south contrail. We hung around outside until nearly dark and the touch of Fall was very evident as the evening and darkness progressed.

Well its been a great day here in the mountains with perfect weather condition as the high may have reached 75 today and the lows were in the 50's with a slight breeze. I spoke with Paw Paw and he seemed to be in good spirits and Nancy spoke with her mom, GG and Amy as well, Later.

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