Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Well once again it was a late morning start with a 7:30 wake up. It was 48 degrees at our "mountain moms" place but when I checked the back porch at 7:30 it was 55, yikes Fall is quickly approaching. After our quiet times we each made ourselves our delicious egg sandwiches, Yeow are they ever good. I headed out to check on the gardens before assembling all the equipment I was going to need to paint the top fascia board around the bump out on top of the cabin and the bump out itself. I been putting this off mainly because Nancy was a nervous wreck about me being so high up on a slanted roof.

Needless to say I survived the ordeal as I'm writing this post but Nancy made me a nervous wreck with her insistent complaining about me wearing a rope to catch me in case I should slip and start to fall, anyhow I finally gave in to wearing a safety rope while on the very top which is a little scary as its 3 levels up from the ground and the tin roof is slick as well. I gave the fascia 2 coats and finally finished with the bump out around 2:30. All I have left to paint up there is the window frame and I can do that without any real danger of slipping off the roof.

Nancy made arrangements to watch our friend Kallie Dalton play a high school tennis match around 4 PM so we decided to eat our big meal of the day when I finished painting. It was close to 2:30 when we sat down to a delicious meal of pot roast with taters and carrots, yikes I could smell it at times while on the roof. We had a nice fresh garden salad to go with it as well. Today was the day the USAF fighter pilots were practicing their air tactics as they flew low level over the mountains. Two of them flew right over me on the roof. After earing and the cleanup we got ready and headed out for Sparta a little before 4 and stopped by the library for a couple reads on the way to the high school.

Kallie was down 1-4 to a gal from Wikes County but suddenly she got into the match and won 7 of the next 8 games to win the match. There was the threat of rain initially so the singles matches were a pro set of 8 games and a must win by at least 2 games. It did rain a few minutes after her match completion so the rest of the matches were cancelled. Kallie had greatly improved since last year and it was fun to watch her come back after a grueling match on Monday which she also won.

We met up with her folks(Mechelle and Andy) and some other friends(Karin and Katelyn) and then we all headed to the River Rock Grille for a lite supper. I ate some nachos and Nancy had a turkey sandwich. We visited for an hour or so then we headed home in time enough to get in our daily hike to the top of the mountain. It was starting to cool off but felt great as we were really high stepping it up the mountain. We finally saw Joe Browning for the first in a week or so as he has been doctoring with pneumonia. It was good to see him out on the porch with a smile on his face. We got back to the cabin around 8PM just as the sun was starting to set behind Bull Head Mountain, LATER

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