Friday, August 10, 2012


Well the morning started around 6 AM with an alarm clock wake up. We hate that thing as it always reminds us of our early morning wake up when we head back to Florida for the winter. Anyhow after our wake up I did my quiet time and then jumped in the shower as I had a early morning physical in Sparta which meant I had to fast.

After the physical we headed out to meet up with our friends Walt and Theia for breakfast at the Pines Restaurant in Sparta. We had an awesome breakfast and a good long visit with them then we headed home. We got back and took a good mountain hike to the top. We never saw anyone except Zeke(dog) so we headed on down the mountain. I did a few piddly jobs and then helped Nancy with her cooking as we were having the Dalton and Luffman Families for supper and the theme was Mexican. Nancy made King Ranch chicken and another new dish with corn tortillas and beef, yikes was that ever delicious as well as a bowl of salsa. Kay brought a coconut creme pie still warm from the oven.

After eating we played several games of Sequence and once again the gal's won 3 out of 5 games Twice. It wasn't pretty at all. I had to play a Harvey Hand as we only had 2 guys to the 3 gal's. We were beaten pretty badly so we decided to chill, talking and watching some baseball until nearly 10 PM. We had another rain shower and there was some lightning and thunder in the distance. Well better go as the storm is getting closer, LATER

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